Solarize OKC Reaches Final Three Days for Residents to Qualify for Savings on Solar Energy, Battery Storage

Posted by: Ken Haldin

Updated (Sept 30, 2022) number of contracts (118) and new clean energy capacity (1,018kW)

Free Signup Deadline is Friday, Sept. 30

OKLAHOMA CITY — This Friday, Sept. 30, is the deadline for local residents and commercial building owners to enroll for a free evaluation via the Solarize OKC campaign, which offers group purchasing on solar energy and battery storage to Oklahoma City property owners.

Enrollment is simply to sign up for a free, no-obligation evaluation of your residence or business for a potential renewable energy system.

solarize, oklahoma city, deadline

Solarize OKC Exceeds 800kW Milestone With 100+ Contracts for Solar Installations from Local Homeowners

Posted by: Ken Haldin

Free Financing Workshop Set for Sept. 27 to Feature Update on Increased Federal Tax Credit; Solarize Open House Set for Sept. 24

OKLAHOMA CITY — The Solarize OKC campaign reached another new milestone – more than three-quarters of a megawatt of solar power installations under contract through the community group-buying program. 

Since the campaign’s launch in May, more than 100 homeowners have completed contracts, which will result in new clean energy solar capacity  of more than 850 in total kW of solar power. Once these systems are fully installed and operational, more than 1.47 million lbs. of carbon emissions will be avoided annually in Oklahoma City. This is the equivalent of 250 full size pickup trucks worth of greenhouse emissions taken out of the air.

solar, solarize, oklahoma city

Solarize OKC Reaches Most Affordable Pricing Level

Posted by: Ken Haldin

Initial Homeowner Contracts Result in Highest Savings Tier;
Open House Set for Aug. 2, Solar Town Hall on Aug. 25

OKLAHOMA CITY — After only two months since its launch, the Solarize OKC Campaign has already reached the largest discount tier for group-discount purchasing. The community-based group-purchasing solar campaign has entered Tier 8, which represents a 40% savings off the cost of a solar energy system outside the program using the same materials. 

solarize, solar energy, oklahoma city

Solarize OKC to Launch Local Bulk-Purchase Solar Campaign With Community Opening Event on May 10

Posted by: Ken Haldin

Local Coalition Chooses Installer Partner Through Competitive Bidding;

Opportunity for Public To Enroll in Unique Group-Purchasing Discount

OKLAHOMA CITY — A new coalition of local organizations is launching Solarize OKC, a unique community-based campaign that makes solar energy and battery storage more affordable to participants through group purchasing.

Don’t miss your chance to install solar energy infrastructure at your home or business – you’ll save more than ever with the combined purchasing power of other OKC residents and a new federal tax credit.

A virtual/local launch event will take place at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 10, at Belle Isle Library, 5501 N Villa Ave. This kickoff event will feature:

Community Solar Projects, solar, solarize, solar plus storage, solar energy, oklahoma city


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