But if solar is so great then why don't we see it on rooftops all across Athens and the surrounding area? Well, the answer(s) to that question is complicated. There are regulatory, market, and political barriers in place that slow the widespread adoption of solar. The democratization of energy through solar is a threat to the centralized power plant utility monopoly status quo so a great deal of time and resources goes into making sure solar doesn't grow too fast to disrupt that business model. Despite all that however, there is one barrier to widespread solar adoption that has nothing to do with any of the shenanigans currently being espoused at the PSC's IRP hearings this week. That barrier is the upfront cost of solar.
Although the cost of solar has come down 80% in the last 6 years and programs like Solarize Athens help further reduce the price of solar, going solar still requires the costs to be paid upfront. Incentives are available to recover the upfront cost in year-one. For example, everyone who goes solar get's a 30% federal tax credit. Residential Jackson EMC customers get an additional 15% +/-rebate. Businesses can get additional tax incentives through bonus and MACRS depreciation worth another 15-20%. So by the end of year-one, you can expect to recover anywhere from 30-50% of the upfront cost depending on your situation. But what happens after that?

Thank you for your interest in Solarize Athens and we hope you have found this program helpful as we continue to make the transition to clean energy more affordable and accessible than ever, together.
Please note: Solarize Athens does not give tax advise and we do not claim to be tax professionals. As with all tax matters, you are advised to seek professional tax advice to determine how tax incentives apply to each individual situation.