Posted by: Ken Haldin

New Local Campaign Moves to New Tier of Lower Pricing;
Free Signups for Group-Buying Discounts Under Way

TULSA — The home of the first local property owner to benefit from Solarize Green Country, a community-based group-purchasing solar campaign, has a newly completed solar installation now providing power to his Osage County residence with renewable energy.

A coalition of local organizations launched Solarize Green Country this spring to help make solar energy and battery storage more affordable for homeowners, businesses and nonprofits in Green Country through a unique bulk-purchasing concept in the eight-county area.

solar, solarize, tax credit, solar energy, discount pricing, oklahoma, tulsa

Middle Georgia Solar Tour 2.0 starts April 15th

Posted by: Don Moreland

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                            CONTACT: Karen Stevenson
THURSDAY, April 4, 2019                                                                                                              PHONE: (678) 770-8279

Macon, GASolarize Middle Georgia is holding its 2nd “Solar Tour,” including workshops and information sessions throughout Middle Georgia beginning on Monday, April 15th.  The schedule is detailed in the table below. The Middle Georgia Solar Tour will travel through Macon-Bibb, Monroe, Houston and Sumter counties. The Solar Tour brings awareness to Middle Georgia residents of the new options to power their homes, businesses and nonprofits.  Solarize Middle Georgia is a community-wide effort to make solar energy and battery storage more affordable and accessible to homes, businesses, and non-profits throughout Middle Georgia and runs for six months, through April 30, 2019.

solarize, solar plus storage, tax credit, solar energy, energy, bulk purchase, ITC

Solar Crowdsource Welcomes Clean Energy Credit Union

Posted by: Don Moreland

Solar Crowdsource is pleased to welcome Clean Energy Credit Union as an affordable finance option for Solarize campaign participants. 

solarize, solar plus storage, savings, tax credit, solar energy

Why Now is the Best Time to go Solar -- in Three Charts

Posted by: Don Moreland

You’ve heard about solar, you may know that the cost of solar has come down 70% since 2010 and that there is a 30% tax credit available to help reduce the upfront cost. And you may even be lucky enough to have a Solarize program in your community that can help reduce the costs another 20%.  

But what you may not have heard is that now is the best time to go solar. That’s right, now is the time. Policy and market forces are at play that make 2018 and 2019 the sweet spot to get the most bang for your buck and we’ve got three charts that explain why so you don’t miss out. There are three main drivers that affect the cost of solar and value of a solar investment that everyone should know:

Community Solar Projects, solar, solarize dunwoody, solarize, tax credit, incentives, energy, evaluation

What to expect with your free solar evaluation

Posted by: Don Moreland

Many of you have already received a free solar evaluation from Hannah Energy but all the others (you know who you are :)), here's what you can expect. Hannah Energy's solar evaluations includes three main components: energy analysis, site/shade analysis, and financial analysis.

Community Solar Projects, solar, solarize dunwoody, solarize, tax credit, incentives, energy, evaluation


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