

Solarize Atlanta to Launch Bulk-Purchase Solar Community Campaign on Thursday, June 3rd

For Immediate Release: May 26, 2021 Campaign includes aggressive goal for solar on low-income homes Atlanta,...

Solarize Asheville-Buncombe Seeks Bids From Area Solar Contractors for 2021 Group-Purchase Campaign

Asheville, NC — Solarize Asheville-Buncombe, a newly formed local renewable energy coalition, is seeking bids from area...

Solarize Middle Georgia Announces Middle Georgia Solar Tour

Solarize Middle Georgia Announces “Middle Georgia Solar Tour” During the Week Beginning February 25th

Why Now is the Best Time to go Solar -- in Three Charts

You’ve heard about solar, you may know that the cost of solar has come down 70% since 2010 and that there is a 30% tax...

What to expect with your free solar evaluation

Many of you have already received a free solar evaluation from Hannah Energy but all the others (you know who you are...